Saturday, September 18, 2010

Catching Up

I have been a bit of a slacker with posting my "September Favorites." Part of the problem was that my computer crashed and oddly enough it may take 30 days to create a habit but it certainly only takes one or two to destroy it. So here I am trying to catch up. I think some of these shots are worth the wait though...

Why I love September Reason #5:

The weather is perfect for biking in the mountains. That would be a picture of us driving down the mountain with our lovely two wheeled companions hitching a ride on the back.

Why I love September Reason#6:

Things that look drab from a distance are actually quite interesting and beautiful up close. I found these lovely "weeds" on the side of the road and I couldn't get enough of their shape and color.

My roommate and I were talking about how sometimes the weeds in Utah are kind of like people. We think we know someone, perhaps we even pass judgement on them as someone who will never amount to much or whatever. Then you get to know them and realize just how extraordinary they are, how brilliant their spirit shines when someone believes in them and loves them for who they are. I love things like that because I have a lot of "drab from a distance" qualities. I always enjoy the moment when that surprising discovery presents itself whether it's someone I come to know better or someone that discovers something likeable about me.

Why I love September Reason #7:

Fall Leaves. As I mentioned in a previous post. I am a fanatic about the fall leaves. I can't get enough of them! Look at that blazing color!

Why I love September Reason #8:

Dahlias. I see this marvelous sight every morning on my jogging route. I never get tired of rounding the corner and coming upon these cheerful, bright, packed in color flowers.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Preserving color & remembering

I have always been a fanatic about the fall leaves. In high school, I drew them constantly. There's something about their intricate shapes, blazing bright color, and delicate symmetry that begs me to inspect them, to keep collecting them, and tuck them away.

9 years ago I was working up in Provo Canyon's Aspen Grove doing a retreat with 6th graders. I was the camp cook and so I was free to roam the canyon between meals. I would wake up at 5:30 in the morning and hike down the trail under a brilliant dusting of stars. Sirius, my favorite, was always bright in the morning Autumn Sky. After flipping what seemed to be billions of pancakes I would head out for a run up to Stewart Falls and hustle back to start cooking lunch. It was the perfect job for me.

I can still remember the day of the attacks on the twin towers. Who doesn't remember where they were and what they were doing? We deliberated for some time whether to go forward with the retreat and after discussing it for a while we decided to proceed with it after all. The mood was solemn. After lunch that afternoon, I found a spot of sunshine under a tree. The air was golden; compliments of this time of year and I remember the quiet. Everything seemed to be so still. There I sat writing a letter to a friend who was serving in the Navy. Afterwards I hiked around and gathered some leaves. Something to remember the day by. And I laminated them so I would preserve and remember the color of that day.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Once Upon a Time...

When I was still in school, I used to dream about the days when I could come home and read whatever I wanted. I just knew I'd relish the moment I could delve into The Arabian Nights without having to think too much about plot and characters and symbols, etc. Imagine reading for pure pleasure! That is what I thought and now it is my reality.

One thing I especially love about this time of year is that I can curl up on my bed and read with the window open. Inviting in all that cool air wrapped up in the quiet murmur of crickets is so calming. Soft light and the night time hum are two of my favorite parts of the evening. It is soothing to the soul. Now that the air has cooled I can sleep with my window open all night long. There is something refreshing about breathing cool, crisp, quiet, fall air. I always sleep a little better when there is a little bite to the temperature outside.

Last night I read for a little while and then when I got tired I turned off all the lights and just sat there listening. Eventually I curled my feet over the edge of the bed and peered out the window, down into the reeds, my eyes curling along the banks of the skinny little stream that cuts across our backyard. I took a deep breath and imagined how I remember September smelling. I remember the air being fresh, with a little bit of earthiness mixed in. I remember the smell of campfires, old leaves, and the first few rainstorms of fall washing the summer dust back into the ground. It was kind of a nice contemplative moment. Although I am still trying to regain my sense of smell I still have my memory and my imagination and I still enjoy the memory.

Why I love September reaon #3: Tonight my window will be open all night long
Why I love September reason #4: Even though I can't smell right now I remember how much I love the smell of fall creeping in on the end of Summer.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Garden Tomatoes

I love how dinner can be nearly effortless around this time of year. Today, after a full day of moving at the office, I came home tired and hungry. The last thing I wanted to do was spend more time on my feet hovering over the stove. Thanks to my roomie and her marvelous garden I didn't have to. I walked ten feet out into our backyard postage-stamp-of-garden and plucked two voluptuous tomatoes off the vine. Can I tell you how much I love tomato sandwiches? I LOVE Tomato Sandwiches! Garden tomatoes are just so tasty. After I took a couple of minutes to fry up some squash I went outside and enjoyed this lovely view while munching on my dinner:

Why I love September reason #2:
I love all the fresh garden foods that are in season.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Celebrating September

September is deliciously golden...

kind of like walking into the backyard garden and munching on fresh grilled summer squash dusted with your favorite herbs...
or noticing the bright yellow sunflowers popping up out of a dark green field...
or remembering a good relationship in those happy moments before the other person discovered your flaws, or came to know them and loved you anyway.

Yes, everything about September I love (if you couldn't tell). There is something different about the air that makes me feel all giddy and happy inside. The sad thing is that it often comes and goes before I can fully enjoy it. So this year I am basking in September one day at a time so I will notice and remember all my favorite things about this time of year before it's gone.

Today is September 1st. Two days ago I spent 20 minutes in the middle of the night stealing wildflowers from the side of the road to cheer up our home. It wasn't on anyone's property mind you but I still felt a little guilty for picking them. Every time I saw headlights coming I dashed into the bushes and giggled out loud to myself. I kind of felt like a teenager that was out breaking curfew or something. Anyway, I checked the next day just to be sure and you couldn't even tell that I had hoarded a bunch of those vibrant yellow flowers for myself. Thank you mother nature for that lovely bouquet of happiness!

Why I love September #1
Because I love seeing these hardy yellow flowers soaking up the last bits of sunshine