Tonight I had a moment with the earth. A moment where I felt like I could hear what life is all about if I just listened carefully with my heart. I love little surprises like that. I like to think of them as gifts from God. Small glimpses where life feels full of possibilities and the simplest things make my soul rise up and smile. I never know when one of those moments will surprise me and perhaps that is why I love them so much.
Little Cottonwood Canyon was a regal place tonight. The fall colors are simply brilliant right now. I think I nearly drove off the road just trying to take it all in at one point. Did I mention I love this time of year? After roughing my hands up on some granite I had some time to take in the atmosphere of my canyon nook while my friend climbed and I belayed, below, in the dark. To the right was the silhouette of a large stone cliff, gleaming softly in response to the moon. There's something about granite that is simply majestic. Something that makes me feel small and big all at the same time, and really happy. Off to the side was a single, bright star leading the first path across the night sky. The air was cool but surprisingly pleasant with a hint of movement that was somehow satisfying. Off to the left the canyon walls converged to reveal a triangular slice of the shimmering Salt Lake Valley as people turned on their lights and began their evening routines. If only they knew what they were missing as I sat spying on the twinkling lights of their city. If I didn't have to work tomorrow I'd probably still be there. Leaning against my favorite rocks, smiling at the crickets, sharing gratitude with God for the abundant life I live.
Your Posts are always inspiring. Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Jeff!